Thursday, May 5, 2011

Vietnam - Day 15 Hue to Hanoi

We took a holiday from Vietnam today.

It was very hot and sweaty and we had to fly up to Hanoi. So we stuck to the basics - shopping and drinking beer.

Brynley has only yelled at one person in Vietnam since we have been here. It was 2 days ago when we were on the tour and were having lunch at the Botulism Cafe. We were wedged in a corner, eating our own vomit, being pestered by flying insects and French tourists when a local sunglasses hawker wouldn't leave us alone. After Brynley said "no" 5 times he lost his patience and told the guy to bugger off before he inserted his sunglasses where the sun doesn't actually shine.

Well Brynley was obviously a bit more relaxed today and became his bestie. Jordan and Brynley spent half an hour with him and went through his complete range. They bought some sunnies and a flash cigarette lighter for Jordan.

It wasn't until afterwards that Lisa told Brynley that this was the guy he had told to bugger off a couple of days ago.

We had a little bit of time to kill so we had a few local "Festival" beers in a traditional Vietnamese pub called the "Why Not?" bar. Why not indeed!

Jordan has developed an earache from all the pool water he has hidden in his ear. Lisa went to the local pharmacy and got some medicine. We planned ahead and actually brought some antibiotics with us only to find you can buy them over here without a prescription. Now that's my sort of pharmacy - self diagnosis and prescribe the medicines yourself!

We then caught the flight to Hanoi and made it to our apartment in the late evening. Take away pizzas for dinner. While the Vietnamese have great food they make crap pizzas.

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