Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vietnam - Day 18 Hanoi

After visiting the old quarter and market yesterday Tia has decided she wants a puppy for Christmas.

However Lisa and Brynley still prefer the traditional turkey.

Today we started off at the Army Museum and Flagpole. The Museum is a celebration of the Vietnamese Army and their victories over China, France, Japan and of course America. They have done a lot of fighting in their time.

The Museum has a whole range of tanks and planes which it claims were captured from the Americans (however most of the plaques show they were captured in 1975 which was 2 years after the US withdrew!) There is no doubt they got this F4 which was shot down over Hanoi. Very impressive.

We had lunch at a great restaurant recommended by our friend Quincy (from that mega 90's Australian band Blue Ruin).  Madame Hein is in a quaint house near the old quarter and up until 5 years ago was the Spanish Embassy.

Here we had some of the best food we have had in Vietnam. Lisa had the Cha Ca fish above. Brynley had roast honey baby piglet that he said was to die for. (which unfortunately is what the piglet actually had to do!)

We didn't think we ate enough so we wobbled over to Fanny's to pig out on ice cream.

After expending all that energy eating we thought it best if we relaxed by the pool for the rest of the afternoon. We didn't want to overdue it.

Suitably refreshed, we hit the Night Market to do some more shopping. Brynley and Jordan are suffering shopping fatigue but Lisa and Tia are still going strong. By the way - how many handbags can you look at in one night?

Lastly, we would like you to appreciate the traffic we have to contend with everyday. We have seen two accidents so far (three if you count Brynley unloading in his pants when he almost got hit by a taxi and a motorbike at the same time on the first day). We think a lady broke her wrist in the accident we saw last night. The surrounding traffic started to beep their horns straight away and were more concerned about clearing the motorbikes off the road than attending the injured. This video will give you some idea.

Makes you think of the good old times getting out of the drive-ins after the movie had finished!

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