Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vietnam - Day 21 Halong Bay to Hanoi

This is the view we woke up to this morning. Tia said it makes a change from waking up and looking at a fence.
We missed the Tai Chi on the deck this morning but got there in time for breakfast.

The surrounding cliffs are full of eagles. These graceful birds are incredibly powerful and agile with no mercy for their weak prey. Very much like the West Coast Eagles. The whole Scott family got down on their knees and payed homage to this mighty King of the Skies by singing "Flying High".  There were no sightings of inferior birds like hawks, magpies, crows or swans.

Our first stop was Surprise Cave. Apparently it is named Surprise Cave because when the French discovered it they said "mon dieu, c'est une grotte" ("my god, its a cave").

Can you imagine what this rock would have been called when the French saw it and proclaimed "mon dieu, c'est un énorme pénis".

Halong Bay is always full of sights.

Honest local fisherman plying the waterways, toiling to make an honest days work.

Pirates and bandits trying to rob you of your money. This woman tried to charge Brynley 200,000VND (US$10) for a box of Pringles. Everybody knows you can buy them in the supermarket back in Hanoi for 40,000VND.

After lunch we said goodbye to the boat and Halong Bay and made the long journey back to Hanoi.
Then straight to the pool for a two hour dip.

We decided to go back to our favourite restaurant, Quan An Ngon for dinner. It felt like the last supper so we really pigged out (well actually it was only Brynley that pigged out, he is afraid he is never going to have Vietnamese food again).

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Vietnam.

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